are slot machines legal in california

Yes, slot machines are legal in California, but their legality and regulation are subject to specific conditions outlined by state law. In California, slot machines are primarily found in licensed tribal casinos, which are operated by Native American tribes under compacts with the state.

California has a significant tribal gaming industry, with numerous tribal casinos offering a variety of slot machines, table games, poker, and other forms of gambling. These tribal casinos are regulated by the tribal gaming commissions and operate under the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act (IGRA) as well as state compacts.

Additionally, California allows certain other forms of gambling, such as cardrooms and horse racing, but slot machines are typically exclusive to tribal casinos.

It's important to note that the availability of slot machines and other forms of gambling may vary depending on local ordinances and zoning regulations. Before participating in any form of gambling in California, it's advisable to familiarize yourself with the relevant laws and regulations to ensure compliance.

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